
Noe's 4th & 5th week with Dick & Trina

Noe has been quite a busy girl! By the time she was 6 weeks old, she was completely weaned from her bottle (yea!) and is now eating a combination of wet and dry kitten food. Kitten #78 (see the black markings on her back) has been venturing out to the rest of the house and has learned how to run up and down the stairs. She's a bundle of energy, and loves to chase and play with Marcel (who seems to love her). Dick and I have been letting her run and play with us while we're downstairs watching television. This seems to tire her out after a couple of hours, and she has recently taken to falling asleep on us (see the last series of pictures). She also enjoys riding on our shoulders as we walk around the house.

Noe's eyes are changing color from blue (all kittens have blue eyes) to green (Dick's opinion) or hazel (Trina's opinion). Her fur has grown quite long over the past couple of weeks. Much to Dick's dismay, we believe she will grow up to be a long-hair kitty.

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