Trina's Raggedy of the Month!
This is "Big Raggie". Santa brought her to me in 1976, when I was 6 years old. What a great surprise she was! I still look back on that Christmas with very special memories. Imagine my surprise to wake up on Christmas morning, and see her smiling at me under the tree. She was the largest Raggedy Ann doll I had ever seen at the time, and is still the largest of my collection. Because of her size, I've always imagined that she must be full of wisdom, and watches over all of the other dolls in the room. Big Raggie is about 45 inches tall, which was about the same size as I was when I first got her. I remember wearing her dress, pantaloons, and apron on halloween the next year.
Previous Raggedys of the Months from Trina's collection!

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