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Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Ads by Google 

Hey - what's that thing up there? A banner ad? What's up?

Well, I took a cue from Omar's Blog. According to my web statistics, I get more than 2,000 hits to my blog per month. I also get about a thousand hits to my Raggedy Ann site. That's a decent amount of hits.

Google offers an ad service where if you put a banner ad on your site, and the user clicks on it, they will pay you $$. The ads are all supposed to relate to whatever is on the site. So, if I'm blogging about a specific product or company, the ads should reflect them.

This may be especially useful on my my Raggedy Ann site because I often receive emails from people asking where they could buy specific Raggedy Ann merchandise.

This will be interesting. As I scroll through the archives of my blog, I can see what products it picks up on, and which ones it doesn't. For example, it seems to notice things like the Media Center, or the Star Wars Trilogy, but it must not have any ads for MINI Coopers, or the Litter-Robot. It definately seems to like the mention of "Xbox" or "Halo", which makes sense, as there are many online retailers who would sell and advertise these products.

So, we'll see what happens. Perhaps it'll be worthwhile, perhaps not.

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