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Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Laundry Euphoria 

This might sound odd to most people (although I suppose most of my blog would sound odd to most people) but one of the perks of living in my condo again is the laundry room. Our washer and dryer are mere feet away from the bedroom. Doing laundry is a breeze!

To understand this, you must know that our laundry facilities at Dick's house were in the basement. Our bedroom was on the second floor (third if you include the basement as a floor). So, doing the laundry was somewhat of a chore. It was a hike to go back and forth. (not to mention that we had annual floods in the part of the basement where the washer and dryer were)

I realize this is nothing compared to not having laundry in your house at all, and having to go to a laundromat. (yes, I've done that, too). That's not fun at all, because you have to sit there to make sure that your clothes aren't stolen.

I remember that about a year ago, my friend Mykail called me from his San Diego apartment. We were both doing laundry. I told him that it was such a chore at Dick's house because of the distance to the basement, but then I realized that I shouldn't complain because he had to take his laundry out of his unit, and to the laundry room in the complex. When I apologized to him for complaining he cracked up. He's been to Dick's house before, so he knows the set up. He told me that his laundry facility was just around the corner (literally) from his front door, and much closer than mine was.

Anyway, it's not that I love to do laundry now, but I'm happy that it's just so much easier! :)

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Where in the World have I been? 

This is cool:

create your own personalized map of the USA
or write about it on the open travel guide

Believe it or not, I've been through all of these states. When I say "been through" I've driven through them (and stopped within them), at the very least. Most of them, I've actually spent a bit of time in. Most of my travels happened between the ages of 17-24. My color guard years. My vagabond years. :) Took many a road-trip during those years. Plus, my sister used to travel all over the place for work, so I used to take short vacations visiting her. I've flown through Georgia, (Atlanta, on route to Orlando, FL) but I don't count that. Kind of amazing, no? Dick says we'll have to plan a trip out to the South to finish off my map-age.

In contrast, here are all of the countries I've visited: (not nearly as impressive. Dick can beat my socks off in this category)

create your own visited country map
or write about it on the open travel guide

Monday, March 15, 2004

Tired Cats 

I'm exhausted. I think all of this moving stuff has finally caught up with us.

We had a great weekend. We went to Reeve's & Paula's house in San Jose Saturday night to celebrate Reeve's 35th birthday! What a blast, and a welcome change from what our schedule has been. They through a magnificent dinner party. Delicious food (Fred Steak, and cupcakes!), wonderful company, and all-around fun.

Yesterday, my parents came up (again!) to help us (again) move the rest of our stuff over from Dick's house (again!). This time, we really got it all. We're leaving some of the furniture behind for the stagers to use, but everything else is here with us now. Our "storage room" in my condo (aka the dining room) is stuffed now, as is our storage space in the basement. It's such a relief to have that whole process finally over and done with. I still think it's weird that the movers weren't able to take everything over in the first place, but.....

We went to Dick's house today, and for the first time, we were able to go over, and just enjoy it, without having to feel like we need to pack more stuff. The painters are almost done. It looks fantastic. The stager will come in over the next few days, and make it look beautiful. It'll be on the market this Sunday for open house.

Everything is happening right on schedule! :) (knock wood)

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