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Monday, June 26, 2006

Bad Dreams 

For as long as I can remember, I regularly have bad dreams/nightmares. You know, the kind where you're running or hiding, because someone is trying to kill you, or End of World dreams where you bombs are exploding around you. (graphic, huh?)

This happens to me on a regular basis. I can't really explain why I often have such graphic, violent and scary dreams. Dick theorizes that it's because my real life is actually quite calm and happy, and that my subconscious is just making up for it somehow. It's always such a relief when I wake up and realize that I'm just lying in bed, safe and sound, next to my hubby.

Last night I dreamed that Dick and I were driving in his car, he was driving really fast, and lost control... so we plummeted over the Bay Bridge. (don't worry, we survived.) The night before, I dreamed that we were held up at gunpoint while standing in line at a fast-food restaurant, while we were on vacation. Again, no one was actually hurt, or killed. Just scared.

I don't actually ever really get hurt, or die in my dreams (although I remember that happening once). It's always just on the brink of extreme violence or death. They also tend to be very graphic, detailed and realistic.

Nice, huh?

I'm sure that somewhere, some dream analyst would have a field day with me.

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