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Monday, July 23, 2007

Woot! One Day Funny. 

My friend, Blane told me about this website about a month ago. The site, "woot.com" sells one product per day at a drastically reduced price (from retail). We told my sister about it this weekend.

My sister sent me an email with a link to the site today. Those guys at Woot - they have a good sense of humor:


As we all know, the new Harry Potter book is finally on the shelves, and the whole world is amazed at the discovery that Hermione was working for Voldemort since the third book. Another great discovery is the iRobot Roomba Discovery SE 4220. With a 31 cubic inch dustbin and multiple cleaning modes this little baby hunts down dirt with the fury of someone who accidentally heard about the part where Harry strangles Snape with his bare hands after discovering that Dumbledore had been his father in disguise.

And the iRobot Roomba Discovery SE 4220 knows when to go home and relax, recharging in under three hours, just like Hagrid should have instead of getting in that fight with the Ministry of Magic after Voldemort’s mind control jelly beans turned him evil and cost him his life. Also there is stair-sensing technology, which is so close to magic it could easily be one of the final spells that Voldemort unleashes on Harry, causing him to collapse into a bloody mass in the arms of his best friend Ron, who has secretly been the real chosen one all along.

Just as sure as the last twenty pages feature Ron vanquishing Voldemort and taking his place at the side of the Tribulation Force from the Left Behind series, the iRobot Roomba Discovery SE 4220 will turn cleaning into a task that is fun for the whole family. Would we lie to you?
Warranty: 1 year

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