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Thursday, March 27, 2008

You know you've been to Vegas too often when.... 

hmmmm.... I don't think this is a good thing...

This afternoon, Dick, Graham, Tiffie and I went across the street to Planet Hollywood, our favorite casino. Bruce turned us onto this place last year. (and I still thinks it's funny that it was my cousin, the pastor, who not only turned us onto the Planet Hollywood Casino, but also got the whole Chow Clan hooked on Pai Gow!)

We love Planet Hollywood's casino: they play great music (mostly 80s) have a nice atmosphere (bright, clean, and not trying too hard) and really friendly dealers. It was where we played (and won!) at Craps (Trina) and Poker (Dick) yesterday.

There were four Pai Gow Tables open when we arrived: two with $10 limits, and two with $25 limits. We managed to find 3 empty seats at the $10 table (My sister opted not to play).

We went through 3 different dealers while we played for just under an hour and a half. When the third dealer sat down, she looked at Dick and me, and asked if we were from New York. We said, "No, San Francisco", and she said, "Oh, that's right. I remember you two. You haven't been here in a few months."

Oh, my.

What does that mean when the dealer remembers you from your last trip to Vegas?


Now granted, we do tend to get chatty with the dealers at P.H., but still, the last time we came to Vegas was 6 months ago!

Perhaps that's our clue that we've been coming to Vegas too often in the past year.

Did I mention that Dick is coming back with Martin in a couple of weeks?
(but we're not addicted..)

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